Technology plays a significant role in our lives, but several myths have persisted over time.
Here are some common myths debunked.
Myth 1: Leaving your device plugged in overnight damages the battery.
Modern devices have advanced battery systems that prevent overcharging.
Myth 2: Incognito mode ensures complete anonymity.
Incognito mode does not hide your activities from your ISP or the websites you visit.
Myth 3: Macs are immune to viruses.
While there is a small infection rate you also need to factor in the small market share for Macs. Overall the infection rate per user on Macs is 0.075. On Windows, the infection rate sits lower at 0.074.
Myth 4: More megapixels mean better image quality.
Other factors also determine the image quality such as size of individual pixels, lens quality, and image processing.
If you have more questions or would like to discuss your technology goals or challenges, contact us today!